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Whitehead, H.L., & Hawes, Z. (2023). Cognitive foundations of early mathematics: Investigating the unique contributions of numerical, executive function, and spatial skills. Journal of Intelligence, 11(12), 1-18.

Scerif, G., Blakey, E., Gattas, S., Hawes, Z., Howard, S., Merkley, R., O’Connor, R., & Simms, V. (2023). Making the executive ‘function’ for the foundations of mathematics: The need for explicit theories of change for early interventions. Educational Psychology Review, 35(110), 1-27

Gilligan-Lee, K., Hawes, Z., Williams, A.Y., Farran, E.K., & Mix, K. S. (2023). Hands-on: Investigating the role of physical manipulatives in spatial training. Child Development, 94(5), 1205-1221.

Bruce, C.D., Flynn, T., Yearley, S., Hawes, Z. (2023). Leveraging number lines and unit fractions to build student understanding: Insights from a mixed methods study. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education

Sokolowski, H. M., Hawes, Z., & Ansari, D. (2023). The neural correlates of retrieval and procedural strategies in mental arithmetic: A functional neuroimaging meta-analysis. Human Brain Mapping, 44(1), 229-244

Sokolowski, H. M., Hawes, Z., Leibovich-Raveh, T., & Ansari, D. (2022). Number symbols are processed more automatically than nonsymbolic numerical magnitudes: Findings from a Symbolic-Nonsymbolic Stroop task. Acta Psychologica, 228

Gilligan-Lee, K.A., Hawes, Z.C.K., & Mix, K.S. (2022). Spatial cognition as the missing piece of mathematics curricula. npj Science of Learning, 7(10), 1-4

Lau, N., Hawes, Z., Tremblay, P., & Ansari, D. (2022). Disentangling the individual and contextual effects of math anxiety: A global perspective. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(7)

Hawes, Z.C.K., Gilligan-Lee, K.A., & Mix, K.S. (2022). Effects of spatial training on mathematics performance: A meta-analysis. Developmental Psychology, 58(1), 112-137

Sokolowski, H. M., Hawes, Z., Peters, L., & Ansari, D. (2021). Symbols are special: An fMRI adaptation study of symbolic, nonsymbolic and non-numerical magnitude processing in the human brain. Cerebral Cortex Communications, 2(3)

Hawes, Z., Merkley, R., Stager, C. L., & Ansari, D. (2021). Integrating numerical cognition research and mathematics education to strengthen the teaching and learning of early number. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 91(4), 1073-1109

Muñoz-Rubke, F., Will, R., Hawes, Z., & James, K. (2021). Enhancing spatial skills through mechanical problem solving. Learning and Instruction, 75, 1-12

McDonald, J., Merkley, R., Mickle, J., Collimore, L., Hawes, Z., & Ansari, D. (2021). Exploring the implementation of early math assessments in kindergarten classrooms: A research-practice collaboration. Mind, Brain, and Education, 15(4), 311-321

Wilcox, G., Morett, L.M., Hawes, Z., & Domett, E. (2021). Why educational neuroscience needs educational and school psychology to effectively translate neuroscience to educational practice. Frontiers in Psychology

Woolcott, G., Chamberlain, D., Hawes, Z., Drefs, M., Bruce, C. D., Davis, B., ... & Mulligan, J. (2020). The central position of education in knowledge mobilization: Insights from network analyses of spatial reasoning research across disciplines. Scientometrics, 125(3), 2323-2347

Hawes, Z., Moss, J., Caswell, B., Seo, J., Thomson, M., Thomson, N., Bailey, C. (2020). Effects of a teacher-designed and teacher-led number board game intervention: A randomized controlled trial with 4- to 6- year-olds. Mind, Brain, and Education, 14(1), 71-80

Hawes, Z., & Ansari, D. (2020). What explains the relationship between spatial and mathematical skills? A review of evidence from brain and behavior. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 27, 465-482

Hawes, Z., Sokolowski, H. M., Ononye, C. B., & Ansari, D. (2019). Neural underpinnings of spatial and numerical cognition: An fMRI meta-analysis of brain regions associated with symbolic number, arithmetic, and mental rotation. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 103, 316-336

Hawes, Z., Moss, J., Caswell, B., Seo, J., & Ansari, D. (2019). Relations between numerical, spatial, and executive function skills and mathematics achievement: A latent-variable approach. Cognitive Psychology, 109, 68-80

Sokolowski, H. M., Hawes, Z., & Lyons, I. M. (2019). What explains sex differences in math anxiety? A closer look at the role of spatial processing. Cognition, 182, 193-212

Hawes, Z., Nosworthy, N., Archibald, L., & Ansari, D. (2019). Kindergarten children's symbolic number comparison skills predict 1st grade mathematics achievement: Evidence from a two-minute paper-and-pencil test. Learning and Instruction, 59, 21-33

Hawes, Z., Moss, J., Caswell, B., Naqvi, S., & MacKinnon, S. (2017). Enhancing children’s

spatial and numerical skills through a dynamic spatial approach to early geometry instruction: Effects of a 32-week intervention. Cognition and Instruction, 35(3), 236-264

Bruce, C.D., Davis, B., Sinclair, N., McGarvey, L., Hallowell, D., Drefs, M., Francis, K., Hawes, Z., Moss, J., Mulligan, J. & Okamoto, Y. (2017). Understanding gaps in research networks: Using “spatial reasoning” as a window into the importance of networked educational research. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 95(2), 143-161

Francis, K., Bruce, C., Davis, B., Drefs, M., Hallowell, D., Hawes, Z., McGarvey, L., Moss, J., Mulligan, J., Okamoto, Y. & Sinclair, N. (2017). Multidisciplinary perspectives on a video case of children designing and coding for robotics. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 17(3), 165-178

Hawes, Z., Moss, J., Caswell, B., & Poliszczuk, D. (2015). Effects of mental rotation training on

children’s spatial and mathematics performance: A randomized controlled study. Trends in Neuroscience and Education, 4(3), 60-68

Hawes, Z., LeFevre, J., Xu, C., & Bruce, C. (2015). Mental rotation with tangible three-dimensional objects: A new measure sensitive to developmental differences in 4- to 8-year-old children. Mind, Brain, and Education, 9(1), 10-18

Moss, J., Hawes, Z., Naqvi, S., & Caswell, B. (2015). Adapting Japanese Lesson Study to enhance the teaching and learning of geometry and spatial reasoning in early years classrooms: A case study. ZDM – The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 47(3), 377-390

Bruce, C. D., & Hawes, Z. (2015). The role of 2D and 3D mental rotation in mathematics for young children: What is it? Why does it matter? And what can we do about it? ZDM – The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 47(3), 331-343

Hawes, Z., Moss, J., Finch, H., & Katz, J. (2013). Choreographing patterns and functions.  Teaching Children Mathematics, 19(5), 302-309

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